by mroberts | Oct 27, 2013 | Administrative, Main Page
I was able to receive some updates from a few family members, and have updated the book. The most recent edition of the book is available on the side bar, and is now in PDF.
If you have updates, or want to share the site with other family members so they can provide updates, please send them to the contact page, or have them email with updates.
by mroberts | Oct 12, 2013 | Main Page
I had some time and decided to update the family excel document (the birth of my daughter! yay!!), along with the theme of the website to be mobile friendly. Not that there are that many of you out there that are looking at the site on your phones, but at least it’s mobile ready. Thanks.
by mroberts | Oct 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
Welcome to this website of the Howard and Cornelia Brown Griffith family. This is not a genealogy, only their backgrounds will be given.

Howard and Cornelia Brown Griffith
50th Wedding Anniversary
In Memory of Howard and Cornelia Griffith
This record is dedicated to the descendants of Howard and Cornelia Griffith
Children's children are the Crown of old men; and the Glory of children are their fathers. Proverbs 17:6
Believing that some would be interested in a family record, this has been compiled and now posted on a website in 2008. It covers a period of 100 years, from the marriage of Howard Griffith and Cornelia Brown on March 28, 1900 until the present (June 2000), recording the births, deaths, marriages and divorces of six generations.
Hopefully all the dates and information are accurate. If they are not accurate, please submit your comments or modifications here.
I would like to thank my Uncle Jerome (of course known to you as Uncle Jerry) for compilation of this document so I could put it online. His thanks go out to the cousins that have helped develop all the latest information since the inception of this family record by Ester and Sue Shortlidge in 1975.
Thanks, Michael Roberts
A family history is both a timeless chain of that links it’s past, present, and future, and a collection of memories that gives it a place in time.